Thursday, December 3, 2009

Today's Man Candy

I'ts been a busy day IRL and I sadly didn't have the time to visit all of my favorite blogs. Hope to catch up with them tomorrow! Now I'm off to bed 'cause my hubby just got out of the shower ... look at him all dripping and wet *sigh* ... and he's calling me, mmm ...*happy smile*
So, have a good night (or day) you all!!


  1. Oh honey... I just got finish with him in the shower!!! Super duper yummy!!! Delicious I should say, lol.... that is why he was smiling!!
    Let's just say that I got him in the mood!!!
    You know I have to be wicked... LOL!!! Especially since you have such an awesome hubby... and just look at him... Umm Numm Nomm...

    Have a great night and a wonderful day tomorrow!

  2. LOL! You wicked woman... playing with my man!! Well, you certainly got him worked up fine ;) I'm not saying any more... but umm numm nomm indeed! :)

  3. He makes me remember the scene in Grey's Anatomy where McSteamy walked out of the shower. He was wrapping the towl around his hips and walked in to the hotel room where Addison and McDreamy were sipping on a glass of champagne. McSteamy was very slow with the wrapping and all I yelled was: camera move left, LEFT damnit!! I want more then just skin ;)

  4. LOL! That scene was the reason I bought GA on DVD! :)

  5. I am as wicked as they come honey!!! Hee hee!!! And I am pouting now because I did not watch GA. Must go youtube that this weekend and see what I can find....

    Because that man up there... Well, let's just say, that we are going take another shower, lol!!!
    Hope you have a great weekend honey!

  6. ..perhaps I should go take a shower right now and see if some hunk joins me lol

  7. @Cecile: Stop pouting, hon! I looked it up for you and put a short vid at my right sidebar, called 'McSteamy'... filed away under Other Favorites, Eric Dane. Enjoy his magnificent pecs, wicked girl!! :) You may need another cold shower, LOL!

    @Blodeduedd: Sweetie, I'm happy to borrow you my man. He's free tonight, so come on over and grab him! Enjoy! :)


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