I've read 22 erotic romances in October:
Lorelei James, Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders, # 3), êêêêê
Mary Winter, Two in Hand, êêêê
Denise A. Agnew, Private Maneuvers (Hot Zone, #3), êêê
Annmarie McKenna, Blackmailed, êêê
Tonya Ramagos, Caught off Guard (The Heroes of Silver Springs, #1), êêêê½
Maggie Nash, The Master’s Prize, êêêê
Denise A. Agnew, Male Call (Hot Zone, #1), êêêê
Cherise Sinclair, Club Shadowlands (Masters of the Shadowlands, #1), êêêêê
Cat Grant, By Chance (The Courtland Chronicles, #1), êêêê
Karen Foley, Able-Bodied, êêêê½
Shayla Kersten, Hidden Force, êêêêê
Denise A. Agnew, Unconditional Surrender (Hot Zone, #2), êê
T.A. Chase, Out of Bounds, êêê½
T.A. Chase, High Line, êêêê½
Jenna Ives, The Initiation of Isabella, êêêêê
Zannie Adams, Hold, êêêê½
Mackenzie McKade, Take Me, êêêê
Mackenzie McKade, Take Me Again, êêêêê
Cathryn Fox, One on One, êêêê
Melissa Lopez, Boomerang Love (The Thorns, #1), êêêê½
Maya Banks, Colters' Wife, êêêê
Maya Banks, Colters' Woman, êêêê½
It's been a good month, with quite a few 5 stars ratings, a couple of new discoveries for me and some never disappointing favorite authors!
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