Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm still alive... but not so much kicking

In case you've been wondering why I haven't been posting on the blog this past week... I was in bed - still am - with another case of the flu. This has never happened to me before, falling ill twice in 6 weeks time. And it frustrates me as hell, I can tell you.
Fortunately, since yesterday I can read a bit again, the three days before that I only slept all day long. I'm so grateful for the distraction that books can bring! They literally make me forget my little pains and aches for a while. Thank goodness for that. Or better: thank the authors who wrote all these wonderful stories, for that!

Something else I'm pretty grateful for these days is the company of my iPad. For one, it helps me to write this post now without me having to leave the bed. And then it (hopefully) helps me to post it to the blog. ::keeps fingers crossed that it'll work::
Plus, it helps me with not falling too far behind with all the news and interesting posts in romblog land. For instance, it brought me the news of GayRomLit Retreat yesterday! It's a new conference for writers and readers of GLBT romances and it takes place from October 13 - 16 in New Orleans.

Here's the info from their website:

GayRomLit is a retreat for readers and writers of GLBT romance. A gathering place to hang out with people who read the same books you do. Get to know your favorite authors in a comfortable setting, ask all those burning questions about the books you love, and meet online friends at a one of a kind retreat.

We specifically chose the word retreat, which by definition is a place of safety - a refuge for those in attendance. Unlike your more traditional Lit-conferences the GayRomLit weekend will be centered on celebrating the fiction we all love and highlighting the authors and publishers who continue to support the genre.

New Orleans is the location for the 2011 GayRomLit Retreat. Please join us October 13 - 16 for the first of what we hope to be an annual event.

Lynn Lorenz * Ethan Day * Carol Lynne * J.P. Bowie * Amanda Young

I would love to go and I'm seriously going to look into the possibilities! New Orleans has been on my list of places I want to visit before I die anyway, so this would be a great opportunity.
I think it's great that there will be a con just for GLBT romance! What do you think?


  1. Janna, so sorry to hear you have the flu! I hope you feel better soon. I'm with you on that gay romance fiction convention -- what a good thing that our genre finally has its own con for the fans/writers (other than yaoi con, that is). I won't be going this year, but who knows about the future. You can't wrong with New Orleans as a destination!

  2. You poor thing! I hope you feel better soon. *hugs*

  3. So sorry to hear you've been sick again. I hope you feel better soon!!!

    The retreat does sound like fun.

  4. The flu is AWEFUL! I am sending good thoughts and juju your way! I have been to New Orleans only once and 15 years later, it is STILL one of the best weekends I have had in my life! I hope you get there and enjoy!

  5. Feel better soon Janna! Just keep resting and getting plenty of fluids

  6. Ack! I'm glad you're starting to feel better - and I'm also glad that you didn't get sick on your trip. That would've been miserable.

  7. Not again! Oh well, here's a whiskey laced coffee for you. Ain't much coffee in it, but it's meant well. Get well soon Janna.

  8. Sorry to hear you are ill. I swear planes are breeding grounds of germs. If I can get off a flight without picking something up I count myself lucky. Hope you are feeling better soon and back up and about.


    *clears throat* erm, I mean, sorry to hear you've not been feeling well. Seriously, that does suck but I'm glad you have the ipad to keep you company.

    I didn't know about the conference in NOLA in October but now I'll be keeping an eye on it!

  10. @Patti: Best response!

    I hope you get better soon, Janna. xoxo

  11. Janna - I'm so sorry to hear about the flu. I hope you're feeling better soon! *hugs*

    And the con sounds amazing!

  12. Hope you feel better soon hon... I wonder if it's the dreaded swine flu that's sweeping across the UK that has hit you...

    Feel better soon - loads of juice...

    That retreat does sound cool - I wonder when will we get one of those events on this side of the pond...


  13. You better get well soon, otherwise we can't meet and discuss the possibilities of going to new Orleans!!!

  14. @Val: Yes, I agree with you on the con! It's a good thing there's going to be one just for the m/m genre. Too bad you won't be there, Val. I would've liked to meet you. :)

    @Eyre: Thanks, Eyre. *hugs* I do feel much better today. :)

    @Lily: Thank you, Lily. You don't feel like going to the retreat yourself?

    @Kracken: Thanks for the juju. It worked. ;) I'm so looking forward to visiting New Orleans!

    @Blodeuedd: I followed your advice, hon. :)

    @Chris: Yes, I'm very thankful for that! Are trip was flu-free. :)

    @Mr Valance: Thanks, Mr V! It worked, that whiskey of yours. :D

    @Tam: You're right about planes. And the trip to the hospital the day after we got home didn't do me much good either, I suppose. Another big germ-fest! Lol. Ah well, I surived and I'm feeling much better again. :)

    @Patti: LOL! I definitely will come to New Orleans if it were up to me (which it basically is :D)!! So, you can start forming the welcome-to-NewOrleans-committee, hon! ;) I would love meeting you!

    @Jen: Thanks, hun! Will you join us? :D

    @orannia: Thanks so much for the hugs. I'm much better now! :D

    @EH: *gulp* swine flu? Well, I think I lucked out, because I feel much better already *thank goodness*
    I'm afraid if we want one of those events on this side of the pond that we will have to organize one ourselves, hon...

    @Lis: *squeeeee* I'm feeling much better than I did this morning, Lis! So we can start planning our next date. :D

  15. Oh no, I hope you feel better soon. xoxo

  16. Ugh, I'm so sorry you're sick! ((hugs))

    I've already registered and booked my room, I just couldn't resist both the Big Easy and also a chance to be amongst so many great GLBT romance writer and lovers. :)

  17. @FV: I do feel much better, thank heavens. :)

    @Devon: Yay! I already look forward to meeting you there! :D


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