Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy Gay Friday & What I Read

Just a quick post today because I’m late as usual and running out of time because I spent way too much time on the phone with Leontine this afternoon… Seriously, I had to change devices three times because the battery went dead, lol. Once we start chatting nothing’s gonna stop us, not even a dead battery.

I did manage to read some nice m/m books this week, but not as many as I would’ve wanted to.

First there was Wicked Cool by Val Kovalin, which was a very yummy novella about junk removal specialist Stu (who is from Dutch origin :)) and secretive property manager Brian. They meet at the job and feel attracted and start seeing each other, but Brian’s secret becomes a problem. It ended a little abruptly but although it was a short story it felt as a full-fledged one. And Stu and Brian are a hot couple. I’m definitely going to read Val’s other recently released book, Trinity Trespass.

Then I read Miami's Perfect Weekend by Jamie Craig, the first book in the Calendar Boys series. Tre is a famous football star and Michael a bookish stud who wears glasses and knows nothing about football. This story takes place during just one weekend but it describes the falling in lust and love so deliciously that I totally believed in it. Really a fabulous read.

The third book I read was Heart Doctor by Drew Zachary about Drey and Brady, head nurse and new doctor, who meet at work and start a very hot and uncomplicated relationship. Lots of sexy scenes and just enough story arc to keep you reading. The right book for the right mood for me, nice and comforting without too much fuss.

The last m/m book is Pricks and Pragmatism by J.L. Merrow. This is a very touching novella about a beautiful, uninhibited wink and a gentle, bearded, shy guy who start sharing an apartment, become friends and against all odds fall in love, before falling into bed together. Well written, great emotions, from a witty point of view in first person. Recommended, especially when you fancy hairy guys. :)

Have a Happy Gay Friday!


  1. I really must get that last one. I haven't read the January one, but I think December revisits the January guys.

    I think I liked the second Drew Zachary Emergency a little better. It had a little more touch of humour. But both were enjoyable.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. You had a really good reading week! I've read and enjoyed all of those. :)

  3. Oooh, thanks for the link and dual review, Janna! I'm so pleased you enjoyed Wicked Cool. :)

  4. The only one of these that I've read is the Zachary book. I liked it.

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  5. Hi Jana,
    I wanted to stop by and say hello. I haven't talked to you in awhile. I'm not a fan of M/M but I always respect other people's preferences.

    Did you ever review that book for Gale Stanley? I was wondering what you thought of it. Have a great weekend!

  6. I'm so glad it's Friday!! Woo-hoo!

    I read the last book on your list and loved the author's voice. Speaking of reading, I need to read a book this weekend and just veg for a bit. I'll have to go through the to-read pile and see what screams 'read me'.

  7. That photo is...WOW! Oh, and a nice reading week :)

  8. Nice selection! :-) Merrow's book is really really good!

    Hahaha I can see that happen. Phone conversations are wayyyy too dangerous! Hmmm Skype anyone?

  9. Omg...I finished a m/m book today..o_O

  10. Ok you've sold me on Pricks and Pragmatism - sounds like it's just up my alley. Although I'm not a hairy guy

  11. @Tam: I've bought the February until December ones too, after I found out I had a few of them but not all, my OCD didn't let me start with another one than the January one. ;) So, I'll get to the December one eventually. LOL.
    Emergency is on my tbr too. And yes, I think you'll really like J.L. Merrow's novella!

    @Chris: It was a great week indeed. All of them scored 4 stars or higher. :)

    @Val: I wish I had time to write a proper review, Val. But I'll do my best to find time for Trinity Trespass! :)

    @Eyre: I think you would like the other three as well, Eyre. Have a great weekend too! :)

    @Danielle: Nice to see you, Danielle! I'll do my best to drop by your place soon too. :) I've read the Gale Stanley m/m book, but the review has to be posted yet. Soon. :D

    @Jen: Woohoot indeed! :D

    @Ava: I'm reading 72 Hours by Clare London right now and it is very good so far!! Hope you find a great one from your tbr too! Have a fab weekend. :)

    @orannia: Glad you like it hon! *g*

    @Lis: It was a great reading week! Oh, I've never used Skype before. Might be an idea...

    @Blodeuedd: Gasp!!! I'm heading over to your place as soon as I can to see what you thought of it! :)

    @Tracy: Grin, I'm not a fan of the bear type myself either, but this was worth dealing with the hairy stuff. :)

  12. so many m/m book... wonderful, i wanna start to read one. I havent read any of it.

    i'm not sure with which one i have to begin. any suggestion?

  13. Good looking list. I've not read any of those.

    Been so long since I've been around, I seriously need to catch up.

    Hope you're having a great weekend. :)

  14. Hey hon, I giggled in my mind everytime you had to switch phones :)) This weekend has been such a great reading weekend! even though I only got to read Clare London with 72 Hours and Alyssa Turner with Bittersweet, both were amazing stories I enjoyed to the fullest. I can't wait for December AKA fictionwise sale, to come. Another book added on my wishlist: Pricks and Pragmatism by J.L. Merrow.

    Have a great sunday evening!

  15. @Glory: That's great! I've got plenty of suggestions. I guess it depends on what you're looking for. An e-book or paperback... a short story, novella or novel... Explicit or not so explicit sex scenes...
    For example a novel that is both availabe in ebook and paperback format and only has off screen sex scenes: Tigers and Devils by Sean Kennedy. That's one of my all time favorite m/m novels. A short story available as ebook with explicit but well-dosed sex scenes is: Str8te Boys by Evangeline Anderson. It worked for bloggy friend Blodeuedd as her first time m/m novel ->
    Let me know if you want more suggestions, okay? :)

    @Amara: Hey hon, it's been a long time indeed and did you change your name from Amora to Amara? Hope everything is alright with you! :)

    @Leontine: Grin, if I remember correctly it was your phone that went dead in the end too! LOL!
    Oh, I envy your reading weekend! I started reading 72 Hours too (I really enjoy it so far) but some unexpected visitors kept me again and again from reading! *sigh* And now I'm behind on my email, review writing and blog hopping, but I want to finish 72 Hours today. I really do!
    Have a fab Sunday evening as well, hon! :)

  16. Hey Janna, I hope you had a great weekend!

    I really liked Wicked Cool and Pricks and Pragmatism. Great stories!! Heart Doctor was nice and Miami's Perfect Weekend has been in my TBR for ages. I definitely need to read the series.

  17. Hi hon, thank you so much for the suggestion!

    so, e-book, paperback is fine both of them. (i should buy a kindle for xmas)
    no short story, it's too short *giggle*

    explicit or explicit sex scenes are the same. i read both of them. :)

    i'll buy tigers and devils, thank you again.

  18. @Lily: Thanks, Lily, it was a pretty good weekend. :) I hope you had a great one too.
    The Jamie Craig book is quite promising for the rest of the series! :)

    @Glory: You're very welcome, Glory! I hope you enjoy Tigers and Devils as much as I did. Hope to hear from you when you've read it. :)


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