Saturday, October 13, 2012

Belated Happy Gay Friday

I kinda miss them sometimes: Deniz & Roman

I know it’s Saturday, and I forgot to post yesterday... Sorry! Actually, Leontine and Larissa are the ones to blame for my being so late with the HGF post, hahaha. ;) They were here last night and I tried to trick them into writing the post for me, but they didn’t budge. *sulk*giggle*snort*

See, I didn’t have time yesterday to write something due to a funeral I had to go to. And shortly after I returned home from that sad event, the doorbell rang and the first of them already showed up, soon to be followed by the other one. We had a good time, the three of us, but there was no time at all to squeeze in writing a blog post. Once we start talking we won’t stop before it’s time to catch the last train and I went straight to bed after they left.

There’s not much I have to talk about in my Friday posts these days anyway. I feel rather disconnected from the blogging scene, since I’m most of the times still too tired to visit blogs, twitter or even sit behind a computer. Therefore, I’m almost completely unaware of what’s going on in romance land. Additionally, I still don’t enjoy reading very much, I’m endlessly browsing my shelves for the next read but nothing really grabs my attention at the moment. So, no books to talk about for this post either…

However, there’s one thing I’m pretty excited about! Abigail Roux will visit Rarely Dusty Books on Monday! Woohoo! She’s going to talk about her upcoming release The Gravedigger’s Brawl and why she thinks this book is cursed. I can’t wait for that. And I hope you can’t either and will check it out next Monday. :)

Have a great weekend!


  1. LOL! I did ask you to help me write the post on time, didn't I? ;)

  2. You should post pictures of them to make up for it :D.

    I understand how you feel on both fronts. But yanno, at least you're blogging regularly and keeping up with it. The more you let it go, the harder it is to come back to it.

    1. Lol!

      Funny you mention blogging regularly, because I was just thinking that I couldn't keep up with the blogging schedule I forced myself into... :( I won't let it go altogether, but I plan to slow down a little bit for a couple of weeks though.
      I hope you find your way back to it too, sweets!


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